A Chapter of Safari Club International
Current Donation Projects
• North Delta Conservancy - $1,000
• Rick Copeland Foundation - $500
• Kindred Spirits Fawn Rescue - $500
• State of California Hunter Recruitment, Retain, Reactivate (R3) - $1000
• Bolivia Tres Cruces School - $500
• Zimbabe Youth Conservation Education Camp - $1500
SACRAMENTO SAFARI CLUB, A Chapter of Safari Club International, is a California 501 (c) 3 corporation which has donated over $1,674,540 to the preservation of wildlife, to the improvement of natural habitat, to programs that educate the public in the most important role of sport hunters in conservation, to legislation that supports proper game management through hunting and to legislation that encourages sport hunting. SSC was founded in 1978.
This organization's primary source of capital is gained through an annual banquet fundraiser that features an auction and raffle offering hunts and merchandise donated by outfitters, artisans, club members and the general public. Throughout the year, members donate their time and personal resources to fund raising, administrative and management activities of the club. Since our inception, the Sacramento Safari Club has funded programs locally, statewide, nationally and internationally.
Some of our annual projects include:
SSC Youth Pheasant Hunt
CA Coalition of Chapters
Clays for Kids Ray Day
River Oaks Children's Home donation
AWLS (American Wilderness Leadership School)
North Delta Conservancy Fundraiser
Blue Bag Projects
Sensory Safari at the International Sportsman's Expo, Sacramento
Kindred Spirits Fawn Rescue
Safari in the Box
Stockton Sportsman's Youth
Tony Ingoglia Scholarship
Wilderness Unlimited Foundation
Napa Valley Baseball Team
Bolivian Smart Board Project
This is a summary of our efforts.