A Chapter of Safari Club International

Our chapter was founded in 1978 by a group of hunters who became concerned with the future of hunting in California. We came to realize that we had to present a visible and united image to those who would see all hunting banned. Over the years we have raised well over one million dollars, which has funded conservation and habitat projects throughout our state. We also support projects nationally and internationally. We are one of several chapters in California who has enlisted the services of a legislative advocate (lobbyist) to represent us on hunting, firearms and land issues in the California Legislature.

Our parent organization, Safari Club International, has formed a commanding and influential lobbying, and informational group on Capitol Hill, which is continually educating our nation's lawmakers on many conservation issues. In our nation's capitol, we are recognized as a dynamic, powerful force in conservation, hunter protection and education.

California coalition
Sacramento Safari Club has actively been part of the recent foundation of the California Coalition. This non profit organization focuses its resources on the protection of hunting and gun rights in California.