SSC Hunter’s Corner
Annual Fundraiser – Member Hunts
At the 38th annual SSC fundraiser banquet & auction, a few members shared their stories of hunts they won at previous SSC fundraisers. Let their stories encourage you to bid high at the next auction!

Member Ron Mann won a three week whitetail hunt in Smeaton, Saskatchewan in the early 2000’s. It was a frigid zero degrees outside, and he held tight in an open tree stand. The hunt was one-on-one hunter to guide. He recalled staying in a one room cabin, hearing wolves howling in the black night, the ice in the river slowly creaking before crunching and splitting into the streaming water. After all the adventure, Ron scored a 10 point 5x5 buck that ranked in the high 140’s.
Member Vernon Fair, who has donated to the auction before with his duck hunting business, won himself a whitetail hunt in Apple Creek, Wisconsin in 2014. I bet he was glad to beat member Ron Harris at the auction, because Vernon scored a solid 143 1/2” buck, also taking a doe. That is a hunt to remember.

Member Dave Laws is glad to report that he was the highest bidder for a Montana elk hunt a couple years ago. He was able to “trade in” a cartridge for a beautiful 6x7 bull! Dave excitedly told me that he will be heading for elk in New Mexico shortly - on a hunt he won from the 2016 auction!
The banquet is definitely the place to go if you want to win some guns, gear, or a hunt and the memories that go with it.