Pig Hunting Could Become Easier in California
By Sacramento Bee, June 25, 2018 AB 2805 could change the status of California’s wild pigs game status. Be sure to read the entire...
Best Hunting Social Media Sites
Looking for the most recent websites and social media to tame your addiction? Check these out by Target Tamers: Bow Hunting Mag A very...

An Upland Game Bird Hunting Experience
By Ryan Watts SSC Board Director On November 5th, two of my daughters and I had the wonderful experience of being able to go hunting...
By Amy Dickman I am a lifelong animal lover and vegetarian for whom the idea of killing animals for fun is repellent, and have committed...

SSC Youth Hunt
Don’t forget about the upcoming youth hunt on November 5th . Flyer to be sent out separately. This event is FREE to young hunters age 9...
Closure of Grizzly Bear Hunting in BC
We learned this morning and confirmed with Scott Ellis that grizzly bear hunting in British Columbia will be closed after this season...