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Hunters Corner - Tom Bors

SSC member Tom Bors is an enthusiast for wildlife, hunting, and conservation. He has a passion for a single-species solo-style of hunting, staying in North America, targeting deer and similar trophies, “When I was eight years old, I would tag along with relatives for deer. I come from a line of hunters, and got my hunting license as soon as I could. When I was twelve, I took down my first deer in California! I’ve been after deer here ever since. They are definitely my favorite species.”

A quick trophy spotlight: California blacktail deer are prized trophies; however, they take intense effort and determined tactics to chase and harvest. Overcoming difficulties such as the scarcity of tags, weather, and competition with predators, other hunters, and especially poachers, make the blacktail a well-earned prize.

Despite the difficulties for much of blacktail hunting in California, Tom has still taken plenty of these majestic trophies. Also on California soil, Tom has harvested antelope, drawing tags in ’77 and ’88. He occasionally sojourns to Idaho, spending the whole twenty-one day season chasing his favorite quarry. Tom also has experience with Elk and Caribou. While his method of take is varied, Tom predominantly relies on a rifle.

I questioned Mr. Bors about what he enjoys most about hunting. This question always makes interviewees stop and breathe in contemplation, and the answer is always unique to each hunter. “I enjoy being out in the wilderness,” Tom explained. “Most importantly, I enjoy the challenge of finding one special buck. This really makes the entire experience.” Since this aspect of the hunt is so treasured by Tom, he prefers hunting without a guide, thus my term “solo-style.” Locating game is earning the hunt, and Tom discussed with me how valuable a hunt is when a trophy is hard-earned. I smiled and expressed my understanding, as my entire hunting career has all been well-earned! Has anybody had their trophy walk right in front of them five minutes into a hunt?

Tom explained his involvement with the Napa Chapter of SCI before it closed down. “I went from helping at the banquets to being president, with my friends on the board.” Mr. Bors shared what he learned during his time in leadership, “It’s hard to get the message out about our organization to the general hunting public. Apathy among hunters is common and hard to get through.” Tom encourages all hunters to join together and focus on hunting rights as a single issue, not just focusing on one’s own species, methods, and areas. “That’s how our rights get taken away, when a bowhunter ignores an attack by the legislature against a trapper or a rifle hunter.” Tom explains that an attack against one hunter is an attack against all hunters. Tom sees his five grandkids and thinks about their hunting future. He is all the more motivated to protect hunting with Safari Club. “Hunting is my number one hobby. It’s so enjoyable, and I want to make sure it’s available for my grandkids.”

From getting the message out about hunters to pursuing the buck of a lifetime, Tom Bors has a special passion for hunting. His conservation experiences, both outdoors and indoors, have taught him lessons to last a lifetime. When hunters can explain the truth behind their passion, they can get the message out!

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